Two little sisters in a school play! Both LOVE the stage and have sparkling, outgoing personalities. It was time for the dress rehearsal performed for the school during the day. I showed up for the performance and something was wrong.
Alexandra, who has a flair for the dramatic, was in a lip-quivering stupor.
Anna Kate got a main part -the beautiful raindancer.

Alexandra, who had just seen her costume for the first time, thought it was too silly and too fat- nothing like a raindancer for which she felt she was better suited. Better said: She was devastated!

I scooped her up afterwards and reminded her of one of her very favorite stories about Priscilla who dreamed of being the princess but was cast as "the wind".

"Priscilla went to the stage, taking her place.
A big, beaming grin bloomed on her face.
As the curtain drew up, she rolled into the light.
She knew it right then. This was her night.
The Tree stood quite still, except for a breeze.
The Princess was bound by a magical freeze.
But the Wind was alive, it fluttered and flew.
The wind was amazing. Oh how it blew!
Priscilla was soaring. She felt like a star.
And if that's how you feel, then that's what you are."
The night of the performance Andie had a complete turnaround.She tried her very best to be a good sport about her part, sang her heart out, smiled the whole time, and delivered her line great!

AnnaKate took the stage looking so cute:
warning: this video was shot by her 12 year old brotherAfterwards I told Anna how beautifully she danced, what a wonderful job she did and that I COULD NOT have been more thrilled with her performance. I then took Andie aside and told her essentially the same plus a little secret:
(she was my very favorite part of the play).
I never knew I would be so enamored by and proud of a little pistachio nut.